Thursday, November 23, 2006

Online Feature Idea

Currently, for the majority of newspapers and magazines, promoting user interaction and input online is recognised as a main priority. However, certain glossies may struggle to allow the reader in without destroying their product. The prestige and escapist value of some magazines is that they cater to an imaginary audience of a beautiful, sophisticated elite and the joy of reading those magazines is imagining oneself as part of that elite. If your everyday reader starts creeping in, the illusion is destroyed.

An exploration of this phenomenon will constitute my online feature.

I will talk to:
1) Someone working for a company that is already doing a lot with user interaction:
-What initiatives are in place?
-Why are they appropriate for, and working for, that particular company?
-Whether their success points to trouble for the glossies in question?
-Should those glossies put moving with the times or protecting the identity of the product first?

2) Those working on the websites of magazines such as Vogue, Elle and Tatler
-Are they struggling in this domain?
-What initiatives have they put in place so far?
-What do they aim to do in the future.

3) A retired editor of one of these kinds of magazines to see how they feel this new move fits with the established image of the title.

4) The public to establish whether people do read these kinds of magazines for that touch of glamour in their lives-to get away from the every day.

Hopefully it will prove to be an interesting read....

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