Thursday, November 23, 2006

It's The Only Certainty In Life

We were set the task of writing a profile of a Cardiff Character. Someone who we thought would have an interesting life, job, outlook. I chose a funeral director. I thought that it was a job which is entirely centered on one of life's greatest taboo subjects, that is, death. And I felt that many of us have a morbid fascination with the topic...naturally we want to know.

When I found myself sat in a funeral home with a box of tissues in front of me, a catalogue of coffins to my right and a range of urns to me left, waiting for the interview to begin, I began to question my choice. Why have a put myself in this situation through my own choosing I thought.

However, it turned out to be a fascinating and rewarding experience. David Brown, the funeral director was able to put me at my ease at once - I suppose that skill is essential in his job. He explained to me how his career had enabled him to appreciate life and its brevity, the quirky requests people made for their funerals, preparing his own aunt's body for her funeral and his plans for his own funeral. I was thoroughly intrigued by the stories this man had to tell and by his passion for such an unusual job.

It really struck me that journalism will send me into many a situation that perhaps I would rather avoid. However, I'm glad that I will be pushed to my limits throughout the course of my career (much like David perhaps) and I am pleased that I will have legitimate reasons to meet fascinating people with fascinating lives that I would otherwise know nothing about.


Dan W said...

Too Right.

So far I've made the effort to go to a marathon, appealed to bell-ringers, grinned and beared it with a denture maker, chewed the fat with sausage sellers and solved solvent abuse (albeit fictiously).

Journalism rocks. It does feel like you can do things just by saying "It's ok I'm a Journalist...a Magazine Journalist".

Jessica said...

It's amazing really isn't it.
Just having the name of a course behind you and all these doors open.
It really is funny to think of the things we've done and will do.
What an experience.

By the way what a lovely CV you have haha

Dan W said...

Am I to infer irony, sarcasm or mere jest; is it the mention of 90wpm shorthand?

Jessica said...

Hahah you are a-panicking. I haven't read your CV. Not entirely sure how I would have? It's the old bell-ringing/ sausage-making I was talking about.

Sell the shorthand for all it's worth my friend!

Dan W said...

Ohh I see. Yeah a pun based C.V. would probably go down well at the Sun but I'll leave that for the Newspaper people...

Why have you published the same thing twice, but differently, the pretentious test thing...which, by the way, gave me a score of 99%!

Pretentious, moi?

Jessica said...

hahaha that is one high score. I don't know whether you should be ashamed or proud. I haven't posted the same thing twice. The other one allows you to pimp you pooch!!

Dan W said...

Ahhh yes I see, should have looked more closely, but it's late. Yeah 99% seemed like a comedy score. I rarely get that close to 'perfection' in any situation.

Right Blogger doesn't need any more Cardiff based people clogging up what is probably a busy system right now...

See you tomorrow for some more shorthand action. So much -_