Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Blog is Back

There has been something of a blog-less interlude in my life. It's not that I don't love my blog it's just that he makes great demands on my time - the possessive type.

Anyway, a highly rewarding work placement at Big Issue Cymru, an exam in Public Adminstration and a membership to The Guild of Motoring Writers down and we're back.

The first thing I just have to note on my return to blog-land is my disgust at the anti Ugly Betty feeling flying around. It seems some are dismayed to see that Ugly Betty is actually quite beautiful in real life. "Why can't we see a really ugly character?" they cry! The thing is, surely that's the irony. She's not a bad looking girl but in the eyes of the fashionistas she's dirt.

Another thing that I thought was worth drawing attention to was a programme I caught on Channel 4 the other day called Homemade. It's basically a TV programme based around YouTube type clips. So it seems that UGC does have a future. But how long will it last?!


Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with your notion that there is an irony to Ugly Betty. What many seem to forget, or just dont see, is that Ugly Betty, in the programme and real life, is in fact ugly. I personally wouldn't touch her with a barge pole. All the other women however are quite attractive and I would have no objection to touching them with my pole.

There is no irony to Ugly Betty or any deeper meaning. The girl IS dirt. Long live the beautiful.

Jessica said...

Thanks for the catchy, though crude, comment.

I have to agree that when I saw her in the programme I did think that she was refreshingly imperfect (much more so than the star of The Devil Wears Prada).

However, I would not go as far as to call her ugly and certainly, in real life, she is rather beautiful.

Anyway, I doubt I'll convince you.

Still, we both seem to be fans of the programme...which is a start...