Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Irish Dancing

Despite not knowing what softshoes, hardshoes or feis are, I have just begun writing freelance for www.irishdancing.com. I'm producing news for the site which is pretty exciting as it means I will have a continuous stream of work to do, in the form of rolling deadlines, which will be great experience. It will also test my journalistic skill. After all, a journalist has to try to absorb expert knowledge on any topic that comes his/her way. It's a strange business really.

If anyone knows anything about Irish Dance or has any news they want covered let me know.


Dan W said...

I want to know if they ever intend to include the arms in their dancing? And I don't like your new blog template...

Jessica said...

hmmmm....i will investigate this pressing issue for you at once.

Really? I'm not sure I do but I was just determined to make some use of the new options available to me.