Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Journey Begins

As an aspiring journalist in the first month of my training, I have never had a steeper or more treacherous learning curve to climb.

I tend to be suspicious of the concept of learning curves. A comforting idea in principle but in reality there is nothing reassuring about imagining oneself at the bottom of one (nb. these particular curves go up like mountains not down like slides).

All that's in store is a hard trek and many false summits. And of course there's always that annoying individual on the pinnacle looking down on you as you stumble along.

Yet I feel that I need a change of attitude if I'm to enjoy/survive the next few months. I must see the learning curve itself as something to be cherished rather than just the touching of the summit stone.

In the following posts I will map my climb: my thoughts, ideas, successes and failures in order to pay witness to my development.

I hope that the discoveries I make along the way (meeting big-wigs in the industry, learning cutting-edge techniques and covering a wide range of topics) will be interesting for fellow bloggers and climbers to read.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it.

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